All Episode in Season 1
1. If I was rich 2. Episode 2 3. Episode 3 4. Episode 4 5. Episode 5 6. Episode 6 7. Episode 7 8. Episode 8 9. Episode 9 10. Episode 10 11. Episode 11 12. Episode 12 13. Episode 13 14. Episode 14 15. Episode 15 16. Episode 16 17. Episode 17 18. Episode 18 19. Episode 19 20. Episode 20 21. Episode 21 22. Episode 22 23. Episode 23 24. Episode 24 25. Episode 25 26. Episode 26 27. Episode 27 28. Episode 28 29. Episode 29 30. Episode 30 31. Episode 31 32. Episode 32 33. Episode 33 34. The tower of Mamybel 35. Episode 35 36. Episode 36 37. Episode 37 38. Episode 38 39. Episode 39 40. How do you know that you love her ? 2 41. My grandmother, at 20 years old 42. Questions 43. Project Chaos 44. The parents, again 45. La soirée de la voisine bonne 46. Le jour de la Marmotte 47. Le canapé 48. Tu préfères ? 49. Aller plus haut 50. Se reproduire 51. L'école 52. Un seul Truc 53. Les aventures de Serge Le Mytho à St Tropez 54. Galère de thunes 55. Make a wish 56. L'embrouille 57. La marinière 58. La Fidélité 59. Le Téléporteur 60. La Baise de ta conception 61. Tuer Hitler 62. L'Œil de Sauron 63. La Liste de Schindler 64. Les aventures de Serge le mytho et l'eau du robinet 65. Gratter un loyer 66. Le Générique 67. La Voix Off 68. Hey Salut... 69. Comme tu veux 70. Le dopage 71. Les aventures de Serge Le Mytho et Steve Jobs 72. La Théorie de Denver 73. Le porno 74. L'enfer 75. Devine à quoi je pense 76. Gringe est seul 77. Mister Jingles 78. Le Puits 79. Le Courrier 80. Bouh! 81. Les objets 82. Les aventures de Serge Le Mytho à la prison de Crenshaw 83. Médiamétrie 84. La télékinésie 85. Les Puma Air Jordan 86. Le truc le plus triste qu'on t'ait dit 87. pyramids' secrets 88. Mad Orel 89. The adventures of Serge the liar : childhood 90. Des grosses barres de rire 91. Gringe est encore vener' 92. Racist because of racists 93. Losing weight 94. The life should be better if... 95. My grandpa is dead 96. Orel's synth 97. Last day of your life 98. Awkward plumber Claude 99. Ex's tour 100. Scaring tales 101. Episode 101 102. Darknet 103. Half 104. Public holiday 105. The adventures of Serge the liar and the secret girlfriend 106. Naruto Vs Balzac 107. Rooms 108. Episode 108 109. Casual sex 110. Sports 111. The adventures of Serge Sergio the liar 112. La Sève du mâle 113. B**tch ! 114. Eat a human being 115. Orel's passions 116. The liar 117. La tolérance pour tous 118. The adventures of Serge the liar in Mexico 119. Friends' squirt 120. Last episode : We are loosing our time.Blocked
Two guys interpreted by the Casseurs Flowters (Orelsan & Gringe) discuss in a sofa until something happens. Created by the team of Bref, this short program speaks of boredom whith funny moments like : "What's the name of Hitchcock movie with the birds ?"