All Episode in Wano Country Arc
892. The Land of Wano! To the Samurai Country where Cherry Blossoms Flutter! 893. Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army! 894. He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano! 895. Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre! 896. Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation! 897. Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland! 898. The Headliner! Hawkins the Magician Appears! 899. Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack! 900. The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup! 901. Charging into the Enemy's Territory! Bakura Town - Where Officials Thrive! 902. The Yokozuna Appears! The Invincible Urashima Goes After Okiku! 903. A Climactic Sumo Battle! Straw Hat vs. the Strongest Ever Yokozuna! 904. Luffy Rages! Rescue Otama from Danger! 905. Taking Back Otama! A Fierce Fight Against Holdem! 906. Duel! The Magician and the Surgeon of Death! 907. Romance Dawn 908. The Coming of the Treasure Ship! Luffytaro Returns the Favor! 909. Mysterious Grave Markers! A Reunion at the Ruins of Oden Castle! 910. A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired! 911. Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! A Secret Raid Operation Begins! 912. The Strongest Man in the World! Shutenmaru, the Thieves Brigade Chief! 913. Everyone is Annihilated! Kaido's Furious Blast Breath! 914. Finally Clashing! The Ferocious Luffy vs. Kaido! 915. Destructive! One Shot, One Kill – Thunder Bagua! 916. A Living Hell! Luffy, Humiliated in the Great Mine! 917. The Holyland in Tumult! Emperor of the Sea Blackbeard Cackles! 918. It's On! The Special Operation to Bring Down Kaido! 919. Rampage! The Prisoners – Luffy and Kid! 920. A Great Sensation! Sanji's Special Soba! 921. Luxurious and Gorgeous! Wano's Most Beautiful Woman – Komurasaki! 922. A Tale of Chivalry! Zoro and Tonoyasu's Little Trip! 923. A State of Emergency! Big Mom Closes in! 924. The Capital in an Uproar! Another Assassin Targets Sanji! 925. Dashing! The Righteous Soba Mask! 926. A Desperate Situation! Orochi's Menacing Oniwabanshu! 927. Pandemonium! The Monster Snake, Shogun Orochi! 928. The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano! 929. The Bond Between Prisoners! Luffy and Old Man Hyo! 930. A Lead Performer! Queen the Plague Emerges! 931. Climb up! Luffy's Desperate Escape! 932. Dead or Alive! Queen's Sumo Inferno! 933. Gyukimaru! Zoro Fights a Duel on Bandit's Bridge! 934. A Big Turnover! The Three-Sword Style Overcomes Danger! 935. Zoro, Stunned! The Shocking Identity of the Mysterious Woman! 936. Get the Hang of It! The Land of Wano's Haki - Ryuo! 937. Tonoyasu! Ebisu Town's Most Loved! 938. Shaking the Nation! The Identity of Ushimitsu Kozo The Chivalrous Thief! 939. The Straw Hats Run! Save the Captive Tonoyasu! 940. Zoro's Fury! The Truth About the Smile! 941. Toko's Tears! Orochi's Pitiless Bullets! 942. The Straw Hats Step In! An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground! 943. Luffy's Determination! Win Through the Sumo Inferno! 944. The Storm Has Come! A Raging Big Mom! 945. A Grudge Over Red-bean Soup! Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation! 946. Stop the Emperor of the Sea! Queen's Secret Plan! 947. Brutal Ammunition! The Plague Rounds Aim at Luffy! 948. Start Fighting Back! Luffy and the Akazaya Samurai! 949. We’re Here to Win! Luffy's Desperate Scream! 950. Warriors' Dream! Luffy's Conquer of Udon! 951. Orochi's Hunting Party! The Ninja Group vs. Zoro! 952. Tension Rises in Onigashima! Two Emperors of the Sea Meet?! 953. Hiyori's Confession! A Reunion at Bandit's Bridge! 954. Its Name is Enma! Oden's Great Swords! 955. A New Alliance?! Kaido’s Army Gathers! 956. Ticking Down to the Great Battle! The Straw Hats Go into Combat Mode! 957. Big News! An Incident That Will Affect the Seven Warlords! 958. A Legendary Battle! Garp and Roger! 959. The Rendezvous Port! The Land of Wano Act Three Begins! 960. The Number-One Samurai in the Land of Wano! Here comes Kozuki Oden! 961. Tearfully Swearing Allegiance! Oden and Kin'emon! 962. Changing Destiny! The Whitebeard Pirates Cast Ashore! 963. Oden's Determination! Whitebeard's Test! 964. Whitebeard's Little Brother! Oden's Great Adventure! 965. Crossing Swords! Roger and Whitebeard! 966. Roger's Wish! A New Journey! 967. Devoting His Life! Roger's Adventure! 968. The King of the Pirates is Born! Arriving at the Last Island! 969. To the Land of Wano! The Roger Pirates Disband! 970. Sad News! The Opening of the Great Pirate Era! 971. Raid! Oden and the Akazaya Nine! 972. The End of the Battle! Oden vs. Kaido! 973. Boiled to Death! Oden's One-hour Struggle! 974. Oden Wouldn't Be Oden If It Wasn't Boiled! 975. The Castle on Fire! The Fate of the Kozuki Clan! 976. Back to the Present Day! 20 Years Later! 977. The Sea Is For Pirates! Raid! To Onigashima! 978. The Worst Generation Charges in! The Battle of the Stormy Sea! 979. Good Luck?! Leader Kin’emon’s Plot! 980. A Tearful Promise! The Kidnapped Momonosuke! 981. A New Member! 'First Son of the Sea' Jimbei! 982. Kaido’s Trump Card! The Tobi Roppo Appear! 983. The Samurai Warriors’ Earnestness! The Straw Hats Land at Onigashima! 984. Luffy Goes Out of Control?! Sneaking into Kaido’s Banquet! 985. Thinking of Otama! Luffy’s Furious Strike! 986. Fighting Music! An Ability That Harms Luffy! 987. His Dream Broken?! The Trap That Lures Sanji! 988. Reinforcements Arrive! The Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates! 989. The Pact Between Men! The Fierce Fighting of Brachio Tank! 990. Thunder Bagua! Here Comes Kaido’s Son! 991. Enemy or Ally? Luffy and Yamato! 992. Desire to be Oden! Yamato’s Dream! 993. Explosive?! The Handcuffs that Shackle Yamato’s Freedom! 994. The Akazaya Face-off! Kikunojo vs. Kanjuro! 995. Raid! Inheriting Oden's Will! 996. Onigashima in Tumult! Luffy’s All-Out War Begins! 997. The Battle Under the Moon! The Berserker, Sulong the Moon Lion! 998. Zeus’ Treason?! The Cornered Nami! 999. I’ll Protect You! Yamato Meets Momonosuke! 1000. Overwhelming Strength! The Straw Hats Come Together! 1001. A Risky Invitation! A Plot to Eliminate Queen! 1002. A New Rivalry! Nami and Ulti! 1003. A Heroic Blade! Akazaya vs. Kaido, Again Once More! 1004. An Inherited Technique! Unleashing Oden’s Secret Swordplay! 1005. The Power of Ice Oni! A New Version of the Plague Rounds! 1006. I Won’t Forgive Him! Chopper’s Determination! 1007. Zoro’s Pursuit! Ice Oni Tag! 1008. Nami Surrenders?! Ulti’s Fierce Headbutt! 1009. Sasaki’s Onslaught! Armored Division vs. Yamato! 1010. Eliminate the Ice Oni! Chopper’s Fire Trick! 1011. It’s Not Okay! The Spider lures Sanji! 1012. A Turnaround Move! The Flames of Marco the Phoenix! 1013. Yamato’s Past! The Man Who Came for an Emperor of the Sea! 1014. Marco’s Tears! The Bond of the Whitebeard Pirates! 1015. Straw Hat Luffy! The Man Who Will Become the King of the Pirates! 1016. The Battle of the Monsters! The Three Stubborn Captains! 1017. Barrage of Powerful Techniques! The Fierce Attacks of the Worst Generation! 1018. Kaido Laughs! The Emperors of the Sea vs. the New Generation! 1019. Otama’s Secret Plan! Operation Kibi Dango! 1020. Sanji’s Scream! An SOS Echoes Over the Island! 1021. Spank Strikes! Sanji's Woman-trouble! 1022. No Regrets! Luffy and Boss, a Master-Disciple Bond! 1023. All Set! Chopperphage Nebulizer! 1024. Oden Appears! The Confused Hearts of the Akazaya Members! 1025. The Worst Generation Gets Wiped Out?! The Emperors’ Deadly Attack! 1026. The Supernovas Strike Back! The Mission to Tear Apart the Emperors! 1027. Defend Luffy! Zoro and Law’s Sword Technique! 1028. Surpass the Emperor of the Sea! Luffy Strikes Back with an Iron Fist! 1029. A Faint Memory! Luffy and Red-Haired’s Daughter Uta! 1030. A Pledge for the New Genesis! Luffy and Uta! 1031. Nami Screams - A Deadly Death Race! 1032. The Dawn of the Land of Wano! The All-Out Battle Heats Up! 1033. The Conclusion! Luffy, Accelerating Fist of the Supreme King 1034. Luffy, Defeated! The Straw Hats in Jeopardy?! 1035. The Animal Kingdom Pirates Trample Down! The End of the Kozuki Clan! 1036. Fight Against the Dark Night! The Commander-in-chief of the Land of Wano Sounds Off! 1037. Believe in Luffy! The Alliance’s Counterattack Begins! 1038. Nami’s Lethal Attack! Otama’s Desperate Challenge! 1039. A Dramatic Increase of Allies! Straw Hats Fight Back! 1040. The Pride of a Helmsman! The Enraged Jimbei! 1041. Showdown Battles of the Monsters! Yamato and Franky 1042. The Predator’s Trap - Black Maria’s Temptation! 1043. Slash the Nightmare! Brook Draws His Freezing Sword! 1044. Clutch! A Demon Incarnate, Robin! 1045. A Spell! Kid and Zoro Facing Threats! 1046. Taking a Chance! The Two Arms Go into Battle! 1047. Ascend to the Dawn! A Pink Dragon Gets Agitated 1048. For the Future! Yamato and the Great Swordsmen’s Pledge 1049. Luffy Soars! Revenge Against the King of the Beasts 1050. Two Dragons Face Off! Momonosuke’s Determination! 1051. A Legend All Over Again! Luffy’s Fist Roars in the Sky 1052. The Situation Has Grown Tense! The End of Onigashima! 1053. Sanji's Mutation - The Two Arms in Crisis! 1054. Death to Your Partner! Killer's Deadly Gamble! 1055. A Shadowy Figure Pulls the Strings! Onigashima in Flames 1056. Strike Back! Law and Kid's Counterattack Alliance 1057. For Luffy - Sanji and Zoro's Oath 1058. The Onslaught of Kazenbo - Orochi's Evil Clutches Close in 1059. Zoro's Hardship - A Monster! King the Wildfire 1060. Secrets of Enma! The Cursed Sword Entrusted to Zoro 1061. The Strike of an Ifrit! Sanji vs. Queen 1062. The Three-Sword Style of the Supreme King! Zoro vs. King 1063. Luffy is on the Move! A Turning Point of a New Era! 1064. Drunken Dragon Bagua! The Lawless Dragon Closing in on Luffy 1065. The Destruction of the Alliance?! Fire up, the Will of the New Generation! 1066. Here Comes the Main Act! Powerful Techniques of Shockwave and Magnetism! 1067. To the New Era! Settled! The Determination of the Brats 1068. Moon Princess Echoes! The Final Phase of the Land of Wano! 1069. There is Only One Winner - Luffy vs. Kaido 1070. Luffy Is Defeated?! The Determination of Those Left Behind 1071. Luffy's Peak - Attained! Gear Five 1072. The Ridiculous Power! Gear Five in Full Play 1073. No Way Out! A Hellish Scene on Onigashima 1074. I Trust Momo - Luffy's Final Powerful Technique! 1075. 20 Years' Worth of Prayers! Take Back the Land of Wano! 1076. The World That Luffy Wants! 1077. The Curtain Falls! The Winner, Straw Hat Luffy! 1078. He Returns! The Shogun of the Land of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke 1079. The Morning Comes! Luffy and the Others Rest! 1080. A Celebration Banquet! The New Emperors of the Sea! 1081. The World Will Burn! The Onslaught of a Navy Admiral! 1082. The Coming of the New Era! The Red-Haired's Imperial Rage 1083. The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild 1084. Time to Depart - The Land of Wano and the Straw Hats 1085. The Last Curtain! Luffy and Momonosuke's Vow 1086. A New Emperor! Buggy the Genius Jester! 1087. The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero 1088. Luffy's DreamSeason List
One Piece Specials One Piece East Blue One Piece Whisky Peak & Little Garden One Piece Drum Island One Piece Alabasta One Piece Post-Alabasta, Goat Island & Ruluka Island One Piece Skypiea One Piece Long Ring Long Land One Piece Water Seven One Piece Enies Lobby One Piece Thriller Bark One Piece Sabaody Archipelago One Piece Amazon Lily One Piece Impel Down & Marineford One Piece Fishman Island One Piece Punk Hazard One Piece Dressrosa One Piece Dressrosa (2) One Piece Zou One Piece Whole Cake Island One Piece Levely Arc One Piece Wano Country Arc One Piece Egghead IslandOne Piece
Years ago, the fearsome Pirate King, Gol D. Roger was executed leaving a huge pile of treasure and the famous "One Piece" behind. Whoever claims the "One Piece" will be named the new King of the Pirates. Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who consumed a "Devil Fruit," decides to follow in the footsteps of his idol, the pirate Shanks, and find the One Piece. It helps, of course, that his body has the properties of rubber and that he's surrounded by a bevy of skilled fighters and thieves to help him along the way. Luffy will do anything to get the One Piece and become King of the Pirates!
First Release: Oct 20, 1999
Duration: 24m
Quality: HD
Genres: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Animation
Actors: Mayumi Tanaka, Kazuya Nakai, Akemi Okamura, Kappei Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Hirata, Ikue Otani, Yuriko Yamaguchi, Kazuki Yao, Cho, Katsuhisa Houki
Companies: Toei Animation, Fuji Television Network, Avex Trax, Shueisha, Asatsu-DK