The Bullwinkle Show
All Episode in Season 2
1. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (1) - Upsidaisium 2. Aesop and Son - The Hares and the Frog 3. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Remove a Mustache, Without Getting Any Lip 4. Dudley Do-Right - The Centaur 5. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (2) - Big Bomb at Frostbite Falls or The Exploding Metropolis 6. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (3) - The Road to Ruin or Mine Over Matter 7. Fractured Fairy Tales - Androcles and the Lion 8. Mr. Know-It-All - Falling Asleep on the Job Can Lead to a Rude Awakening 9. Peabody's Improbable History - Louis Pasteur 10. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (4) - Two Flying Ghosts or High Spirits 11. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (5) - Crash Drive or Oedipus Wrecks 12. Fractured Fairy Tales - King Midas 13. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Remove an Unwanted Guest From Your House -- And Make More Living Room 14. Dudley Do-Right - Railroad Tracks 15. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (6) - Fender Benders or The Asphalt Bungle 16. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (7) - Burning Sands or The Big Hot Foot 17. Aesop and Son - The Frogs and the Beaver 18. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Star Reporter 19. Peabody's Improbable History - Robin Hood 20. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (8) - Death in the Desert or A Place in the Sun 21. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (9) - The Boy Bounders or Plane Punchy 22. Fractured Fairy Tales - Little Red's Riding Hoods (aka Little Red Riding Hood) 23. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Do Stunts in the Movies - Without Having the Usher Throw You Out 24. Peabody's Improbable History - Robinson Crusoe 25. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (10) - A Peek at the Peak or Your Climb is my Climb 26. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (11) - You've Got a Secret or Out of Sight, Out of Mind 27. Fractured Fairy Tales - Ugly Duckling 28. Bullwinkle's Corner - Rockabye Baby (aka Rocky Bye Baby) 29. Peabody's Improbable History - Ponce de Leon 30. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (12) - Boris and the Blade or Shiek Rattle and Roll 31. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (13) - Sourdough Squirrel or Hardrock Rocky 32. Fractured Fairy Tales - Hansel & Gretel 33. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Run the Four Minute Mile - In Ten Seconds 34. Dudley Do-Right - Foreclosing Mortgages 35. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (14) - A Creep at the Switch or Sudden Pacific 36. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (15) - The Train on the Plane or The Overland Express 37. Fractured Fairy Tales - Cinderella Returns 38. Bullwinkle's Corner - The Village Blacksmith 39. Peabody's Improbable History - John L. Sullivan 40. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (16) - Danger in the Desert or Max Attacks 41. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (17) - The Missing Mountain or Peek-a-Boo Peak 42. Aesop and Son - The Lion and the Aardvark 43. Mr. Know-It-All - Wouldn't a Trophy Look Good Over Your Fireplace - Or How to Get a Head 44. Peabody's Improbable History - Leonardo Da Vinci 45. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (18) - Go Down Mooses or The Fall Guy 46. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (19) - Rocky and the Rock or Braver and Boulder 47. Aesop and Son - The Jack Rabbits and the Mule 48. Bullwinkle's Corner - The Children's Hour: A Babysitters Guide 49. Dudley Do-Right - Snidely Mounted Police 50. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (20) - Mountain Mover or Boris Sneaks a Peak 51. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (21) - Bullwinkle's Rise or This Goon For Higher 52. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Goose and the Golden Egg 53. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Barber or Ten Ways to Clip Your Fellow Man 54. Peabody's Improbable History - Paul Revere 55. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (22) - Boris Bites Back or Rebel Without a Pause 56. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (23) - Bullwinkle at the Bottom or A Mish-Mash Moose 57. Fractured Fairy Tales - Three Little Pigs 58. Bullwinkle's Corner - The Barefoot Boy 59. Dudley Do-Right - Mother Love 60. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (24) - Double Trouble or The Moose Hangs High 61. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (25) - Jet Jockey Rocky or One Point Landing 62. Aesop and Son - The Dog and the Shadow 63. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Water-Ski or Five Steps to Easy Drowning 64. Peabody's Improbable History - Confucius 65. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (26) - Plots and Plans or Too Many Crooks 66. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (27) - The Cliff Hangar or Taken for Granite 67. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Pied Piper 68. Bullwinkle's Corner - The Raven 69. Dudley Do-Right - Mountie Bear 70. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (28) - Supersonic Boom or The Old Mount's A-Moverin' 71. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (29) - The Big Blast or A Many Splintered Thing 72. Fractured Fairy Tales - Slipping Beauty 73. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be an Indian in One Easy Lesson or You Can Be a Tonto, Pronto 74. Peabody's Improbable History - Nero 75. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (30) - The Steal Hour or A Snitch In Time 76. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (31) - Verse and Worse or Crime Without Rhyme 77. Fractured Fairy Tales - Snow White, Incorporated 78. Bullwinkle's Corner - Woodman, Spare That Tree 79. Peabody's Improbable History - Captain Matthew Clift 80. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (32) - Truckdrivers in the Sky or Follow the Fleet 81. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (33) - The Squirrel Next Door or High Neighbor 82. Aesop and Son - The Cat and the Fifteen Mice 83. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Own a Hi-Fi on a Low Income...and I.Q. 84. Peabody's Improbable History - Vasco Núñez de Balboa 85. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (34) - The Spell Binders or Hex Marks the Spot 86. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (35) - It Takes Two to Tangle 87. Fractured Fairy Tales - Rumplestiltskin Returns 88. Bullwinkle's Corner - Excelsior 89. Dudley Do-Right - Inspector Dudley Do-Right 90. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Upsidaisium (36) - Bye-Bye, Boris or Farewell, My Ugly 91. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (1) - Metal-Munching Mice 92. Fractured Fairy Tales - Leaping Beauty 93. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Human Fly 94. Peabody's Improbable History - Peter Cooper/Race of Tom Thumb 95. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (2) - Bullwinkle Bites Back or Nothing but the Tooth 96. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (3) - Knock on Wood or Bullwinkle Takes the Rap 97. Fractured Fairy Tales - Puss 'n Boots 98. Bullwinkle's Corner - Simple Simon 99. Dudley Do-Right - Recruiting Campaign 100. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (4) - A Knock for the Rock or The Lamp Is Low 101. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (5) - Window Pains or The Moosetrap 102. Aesop and Son - The Goldfish and the Bear 103. Mr. Know-It-All - The Most Economical Form of Transportation - Hitchhiking 104. Peabody's Improbable History - The Battle of Bunker Hill 105. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (6) - Doorway to Danger or Doom in the Room 106. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (7) - Boris Makes his Move or The Miceman Cometh 107. Fractured Fairy Tales - Jack and the Beanstalk 108. Bullwinkle's Corner - Hickory Dickory Dock 109. Peabody's Improbable History - The Pony Express 110. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (8) - Big Cheese Boris or I'd Rather be Rat 111. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (9) - The Space Rat or Of Mice and Menace 112. Aesop and Son - The Vain Crow 113. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Hobo or Ten Easy Steps to a Bum Career 114. Peabody's Improbable History - Stephen Decatur 115. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (10) - The Shot Heard Round the World or First National Bang 116. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (11) - The Rat-Pack Attacks or Sharrup You Mouse 117. Fractured Fairy Tales - Tiny Tom (aka Tom Thumb) 118. Bullwinkle's Corner - Little Bo Peep 119. Peabody's Improbable History - Alexander Graham Bell 120. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (12) - Bucks for Boris or Rocky Pays the Piper 121. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (13) - Fright Flight or A Rocky to the Moon 122. Fractured Fairy Tales - Aladdin's Lamp 123. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Disarm a Live 500 Megaton TNT Bomb in Your Own Workshop in Your Spare Time to Amuse Your Friends or Just Yourself Even 124. Dudley Do-Right - Out of Uniform 125. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (14) - Bullwinkle Bellows Again or Moonin' Low 126. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (15) - Bongo Boris or The Hep Rat 127. Fractured Fairy Tales - Goldilocks and the Three Bears 128. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Beatnik 129. Peabody's Improbable History - Commander Peary 130. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Metal-Munching Mice (16) - The Spies of Life or When a Fella Needs a Fiend 131. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (1) - Greenpernt Oogle 132. Aesop and Son - The Canary and the Musical Hares 133. Bullwinkle's Corner - The Daffodils 134. Peabody's Improbable History - Pancho Villa 135. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (2) - The Mail Animal or Bullwinkle Stamps His Foot 136. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (3) - Burgled Bullwinkle or The Moose Nappers 137. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Enchanted Frog 138. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Conquer Your Acrophobia 139. Dudley Do-Right - Lure of The Footlights 140. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (4) - A Crown for Bullwinkle or Monarch Moose 141. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (5) - Squirrel in the Scope or Ring Around the Rocky 142. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Pied Piper #2 143. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Fix a Flat, and Retire Your Car 144. Peabody's Improbable History - Lord Francis Douglas 145. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (6) - Block Party or The Happy Headsman 146. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (7) - The Wizard Biz or Bullwinkle Lays an Egg 147. Aesop and Son - The Fox and the Minks 148. Bullwinkle's Corner - The Bee 149. Peabody's Improbable History - Sitting Bull 150. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (8) - Riptide Rocky or Drips Adrift 151. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (9) - Blood and Sand or Three for the Show 152. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Beauty and Her Beast 153. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Avoid Tipping the Waiter 154. Dudley Do-Right - Bullet Proof Suit 155. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (10) - Bullwinkle's Landing or Moosle Beach 156. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (11) - The Sand Blasters or Big Bang on the Beach 157. Aesop and Son - The Owl and the Wolf 158. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #1 159. Peabody's Improbable History - Christopher Columbus 160. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Greenpernt Oogle (12) - The Brave and the Boulder or To Each His Stone 161. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (1) - Rue Britannia 162. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Enchanted Fish 163. Bullwinkle's Corner - Peter Piper 164. Dudley Do-Right - Miracle Drug 165. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (2) - Earl and Water Don't Mix or Next Time, Take the Drain 166. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (3) - Moose Gets the Juice or Mourning Becomes Electra-cuted 167. Fractured Fairy Tales - Prince Darling 168. Mr. Know-It-All - Buying a Used Car 169. Peabody's Improbable History - French Foreign Legion 170. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (4) - Episode 120 or 123 171. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (5) - Explosive Situation or Don't Make it Worse—It's Badenov 172. Aesop and Son - The Centipede and the Snail 173. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be an Archeologist and Dig Ancient History 174. Peabody's Improbable History - Guglielmo Marconi 175. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (6) - You've Got Me in Stitches or Suture Self 176. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (7) - Fifty Cents Lost or Get That Halfback 177. Fractured Fairy Tales - Son of Beauty and the Beast 178. Bullwinkle's Corner - Pat-a-Cake 179. Dudley Do-Right - Elevenworth Prison 180. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Rue Britannia (8) - The Scheme Misfires or You Can Planet Better Than That 181. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (1) - Buried Treasure 182. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Frog Prince 183. Bullwinkle's Corner - Thanksgiving Day 184. Peabody's Improbable History - Scotland Yard 185. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (2) - A Tisket a Casket or The Bury Box 186. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (3) - The Bank Busters or The Great Vaults 187. Aesop and Son - The Fox and the Owl 188. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Take Your Covered Wagon Through the West While Being Attacked by Over 2000 Savages 189. Peabody's Improbable History - John Holland 190. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (4) - Sweet Violence or The Yegg and I 191. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (5) - Many a Thousand Gone or The Haul of Fame 192. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Golden Goose 193. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #2 194. Dudley Do-Right - Saw Mill 195. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (6) - Down to Earth or Me and My Shatter 196. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (7) - Hop Skip and Junk or Bullwinkle’s Big Tow 197. Fractured Fairy Tales - Son of Rumpelstiltskin 198. Bullwinkle's Corner - Sing a Song of Sixpence 199. Peabody's Improbable History - Louis XVI 200. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (8) - Bucks for Boris or The Green Paper Caper 201. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (9) - When Moose Meets Moose or Two's a Crowd 202. Aesop and Son - The Hound and the Wolf 203. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Sell the Encyclopedia, Door-to-Door 204. Peabody's Improbable History - Francisco Pizzaro 205. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (10) - The Midnight Chew-Chew or Stick to Your Gums 206. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (11) - Boris Badenov and His Friends? 207. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Shoemaker and the Elves #2 208. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #3 209. Peabody's Improbable History - Daniel Boone 210. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (12) - Bars of Steal or The Hard Cell 211. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (13) - Subway Finish or An Underground Round 212. Fractured Fairy Tales - Speeding Beauty 213. Bullwinkle's Corner - How to Be Happy (Though Miserable) 214. Dudley Do-Right - Finding Gold 215. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Buried Treasure (14) - The Last Edition or Five-Scar Final 216. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Last Angry Moose (1) - Last Angry Moose 217. Aesop and Son - The Fox and the Winking Horse 218. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Wash Windows and Be a Smash Success 219. Peabody's Improbable History - William Shakespeare 220. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Last Angry Moose (2) - A Punch in the Snoot or The Nose Tatoo 221. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Last Angry Moose (3) - Fun on the Freeway or The Quick and the Dead 222. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Princess and the Goblins 223. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #4 224. Dudley Do-Right - Mountie Without a Horse 225. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Last Angry Moose (4) - Bullwinkle Makes a Movie or The Feature from Outer Space 226. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (1) - Wailing Whale 227. Fractured Fairy Tales - Snow White Meets Rapunzel 228. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #5 229. Peabody's Improbable History - Zebulon Pike 230. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (2) - Vagabond Voyage or The Castoffs Cast Off 231. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (3) - Fear on the Pier or What's Up Duck? 232. Aesop and Son - The Sick Lion 233. Bullwinkle's Corner - The Wind 234. Peabody's Improbable History - The First Golf Match 235. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (4) - TNT for Two or Fright Cargo 236. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (5) - Underwater Eyeball or The Deep Blue See 237. Fractured Fairy Tales - The Little Princess 238. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #6 239. Dudley Do-Right - Mother Whiplash's Log Jam 240. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (6) - Underwater Moose or The Aqua-lunk 241. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (7) - Terror on the Seas or We’ve Only Begun to Fright 242. Aesop and Son - The Porcupine and the Tigers 243. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #7 244. Peabody's Improbable History - William Tell 245. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (8) - Blank Night or The Age of Nothing 246. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (9) - Defective Story or A Muffled Report 247. Fractured Fairy Tales - Thom Tumb 248. Bullwinkle's Corner - Fan Club #8 249. Peabody's Improbable History - James McNeill Whistler 250. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (10) - Leaky Lyrics or Bullwinkle Plugs a Song 251. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (11) - Follow the Swallow or The Inside Story 252. Fractured Fairy Tales - Slow White and Nose Red 253. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Win Friends and Be Influential with People 254. Dudley Do-Right - Stolen Art Masterpieces 255. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (12) - Playtime for Rollo or Rest In Pieces 256. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (13) - A Whale of a Tale or Thar She Blows Up 257. Fractured Fairy Tales - Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess 258. Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Successful Baseball Umpire 259. Peabody's Improbable History - Ferdinand Magellan 260. Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wailing Whale (14) - Fast and Moose or Charley's Antlers

Trailer Movies

The Bullwinkle Show

A variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic moose Bullwinkle and flying squirrel Rocky. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right, Peabody's Improbable History, and Fractured Fairy Tales, among others.

First Release: Nov 19, 1959

Duration: 5m

Quality: HD

Genres: Animation, Kids, Comedy, Family