The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures (2013)
You've watched hilarious films before, but you've never seen anything quite like this (or in so many shades of blue). It's The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures! We've taken our favorite Animated Adventures and put them all together in the funniest, derpiest, electric-fenciest film known to man! Now, we know what you're thinking. How on Earth did we cram over two hours worth of comedy gold into one convenient package? Well, all it took was a dolphin on drugs and a dash of headlight fluid. Featuring Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Joel Heyman, Gavin Free, Geoff Ramsey, and many more! It's a deal so good, not even Kevin the Drug Dealer can believe it!
Actors: Burnie Burns, Jordan Cwierz, Chris Demarais, Barbara Dunkelman, Kara Eberle, Brandon Farmahini, Gavin Free, Joel Heyman, Matt Hullum, Michael Jones
Country: United States of America