ROH: Honor Takes Center Stage - Chapter 2 (2011)
Kings of Wrestling vs Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly Colt Cabana vs Dave Taylor Tommaso Ciampa vs Homicide Christopher Daniels vs Michael Elgin Daizee Haze and Tomoko Nakagawa (c) vs Ayumi Kurihara and Hiroyo Matsumoto Shimmer Tag Team Championship The Briscoe Brothers vs The All Night Express El Generico vs Roderick Strong Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team vs The American Wolves
Release: Apr 02, 2011
Duration: 2h 39m
Quality: HD
Actors: Shelton Benjamin, Charles Haas, Wesley David Richards, Eric Maher, Jamin Pugh, Mark Pugh, Kenny D. Layne, Everett Lawrence Titus, Christopher Lindsey, Rami Sebei
Country: United States of America